We are back to our regular A Portfolio department post Nuart Aberdeen, and today we look at Los Angeles painter, Jake Longstreth. We have seen Jake's work in numerous fairs over the years, and his unique and beautiful depictions of nature and its border with suburbia and modernity, are always striking examples of contemporary life. 

Known for his large-scale paintings of architecture and nature, Jake Longstreth (b. 1977) recounts the changing modern landscapes of our time. Astutely observing the corners of suburban America, the artist primarily documents restaurant and retail chains, immortalising many which are becoming increasingly obsolete. In his nature landscapes, Longstreth’s equally subtle and elegant compositions reveal location-specific trees, foliage and clouded skies. With a sense of anticipatory nostalgia and a wry, underlying humour, the artist takes a place within the tradition of landscape painting to uncover both the beauty and absurdity of storefront culture, as well as the creeping effects of a changing environment. (text via Max Hetzler)