Paola Ciarska revels, excites and rejoices in the unrestrained potential of imagination. Each miniature painting has a vast cast of female characters, living out a virtual fantasy from the comfort of their multi-room domiciles. The viewer is turned into a voyeur, spying on the indulgent private moments and left to try and discern just what is going on. And she just created her Paolaverse for Thinkspace Projects.
The paintings have a physical presence that far exceeds their small scale. Each work is packed with painterly detail. Rooms are filled with the trinkets of modern life, decorated with reproductions of modern masters and adorned with fairy-lights, all set against psychedelic (and mildly suggestive) patterned backgrounds. Ciarska enjoys the labour of a marathon painting session, getting lost in the haze of its intricate, obsessive application.
About Paola Ciarska:
Born in Gdarisk (Poland) in 1993. lives and works in Sicily (Italy). A graduate in Fine Arts from Gateshead College and in Art History from Newcastle University, Paola Ciarska has been producing senes of ngurative paintings depicting women in brightly coloured, fictional pop architectures since 2018. Hers 1s a feminist viewpoint representing a purposely non-mixed utopia in which daily life is all about relaxation. pleasure and entertainment.
The artist’s paintings are in formats you could fit into the palm of your hand, so creating an intimate relationship with them and requiring attention to detail in meticulous v depicted scenes. Her aesthetic plays on shifts between physical and digital, real and fictional spaces.